Issue 2 (2016)
Methods and Systems of Information Protection
Annotation: The basics of methodology of information protection (IP) is the same, but fundamental in the keys, is the timely identification of the subject of protection and the implementation of necessary protective measures, planning for possible threats and protection measures. The main criterion should be the criterion of expediency and efficiency of the measures taken, the economic costs and used hardware and software. The most practical guidance on the development of systems of information security is devoted to recommendations for the selection of mechanisms and means to ensure security, are informal and are based on the practical experience of the authors.
Keywords: сorporate information system, the effectiveness of information security systems, information systems separability
Annotation: We consider the current concept, organizational and technical models and distributed network technology and situational information-think tanks provide a comprehensive security policy and socially important facilities and areas of the state. It is proposed to open netwo rk architecture, system requirements to components, interfaces and protocols interagency cooperation. Particular attention is paid to the integration, standardization and organizational, semantic and technical interoperability of the application data proce ssing systems.
Keywords: security, situation center, open systems, interfaces, communication protocols, standard design solutions, standardization
Annotation: The results of the analysis of prospects for the adoption of new standards and specifications, software configuration information and telecommunication networks, taking into account the specifics of the application-data centers and innovative enterprises . Results of the analysis confirmed a series of simulation experiments based on a simulation program model studied network. There was a need to standardize these technologies.
Keywords: software-defined networks, SDN, OpenFlow protocol, adaptive traffic m anagement
Annotation: The article describes the principles, conditions and directions of the development of a series of national standards for hardware and modules for use in centralized monitoring systems
Keywords: centralized monitoring system hardware and modules, standardization
Annotation: On the basis of practical experience of the main problems, legislative changes data protection in personal data information systems, regulatory and procedural documents and data protection, not constituting a state secret within the analysis of the state information systems.
Keywords: personal data; information systems of personal data; state information system; Model threats; Model offender; information does not constitute a state secret, problems of protection of personal data, validation
Computing Systems and Elements
Annotation: Considered measures for the implementation of IoT in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute to create individualized management system rescue people in the event of extraordinary events of anthropogenic and natural origin. Criticized by th e difficulties and challenges to the further development of the system of individualized management of saving people when disaster occurs, outlined ways to solve them.
Keywords: Internet of Things, extraordinary events, individualized saving control syste m of people in emergency situations, trusted environment, identification of objects in the info-communications environment
Methods and Means of Control in Organizational Systems
Annotation: Modern realities (the project activity, the competence approach, analysis, etc.) pose new challenges for the effective management of the personnel. Solving these problems requires a modernization of the HRM-system without disrupting the functioning of the information system. One of the conditions of modernization is the development of standards profile for a modernized HRM-system. The paper presents a profile of standards modernized HRM-system, implemented in the software platform 1C .
Keywords: life cycle of information systems, modernization of information systems, the profile of standards, position profile, extended profile positions, the personnel management system
System Programming
Annotation: Justification of the need to develop a conceptual framework for the activities of an act of intelligent decision support systems. Because of this structure stand out conceptual plans that make it possible to connect any idea of the subject area, including the evolutionary-genetic with the structural and organizational views, making it easier to intellectual information modules for decision support systems.
Keywords: CASE-technology, a single decision, the conceptual structure of the act of activity, conceptual plans, decision support systems
System Analysis, Control and Information Processing
Annotation: The article presents the results of the author's analysis of the prospects for the standardization of information and communication technologies for the construction of the virtual learning environment and virtual experiments. It shows the basic terminology and the conce pt of standardization of virtual laboratories, planned structure of the family of standards in the field of virtual experiment.
Keywords: virtual learning environments, virtual experiment, virtual laboratory, the prospects for standardization concept
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