Issue 2 (2017)
Computing Systems and Elements
Annotation: The article describes the concept of building IoT-system of smart city, which is a imed at efficient management of resources.
Keywords: smart city, Internet of Things, IoT-system, cyber-physical systems, resource management, ERP-systems
Annotation: The article shows that the widespread adoption of Internet of Things at the early stages of the formation of a single digital space EAEC will significantly improve the efficiency of its functioning. Considering the use of the Internet of things in three main areas: the crea tion of the new digital economy, the search for new forms of learning for training (school and university), and the intensification of scientific research for the production of knowledge. The article proves that the widespread adoption of Internet technolo gies of things already in the early stages of forming a single digital space EAEC, will not only several times to increase the efficiency of the digital space, but also bring the EAEC to the forefront in all three key performance indicators: industry and services, training and scientific potential .
Keywords: industry and services, training and scientific potential
Methods and Systems of Information Protection
Annotation: Currently the following positions in the world have adopted: 1-the second most important features for any product, including services, (after the characteristics of appointment) are the safety characteristics; 2-the main characteristic of the safety of complex technical systems (CTS) is their functional safety; 3-functional safety of CTS is achieved by the adoption of risk reduction measures at all stages of their life cycle. Most of the hardware and software of information technology (IT) are the CTS. Therefore, they must to follow the requirements of basic standards for functional safety. The requirements for functional safety of IT systems is considered in the article.
Keywords: functional safety of systems, standardization of functional safety of safety-related systems, functional safety of systems in information technology
Methods and Means of Control in Organizational Systems
Annotation: The article presents the process of creating information and software tools for forming an electronic portfolio in accordance with the requirements of the legislative framework of the Russian Federation, best practices and international, national, educational and professional standards. The analysis of existing stan dards in this area, as well as the legislative base of the Russian Federation, is given. Based on these requirements, a functional model, a logical database model, and a class diagram are built. Then the information base for creating an electronic portfoli o is developed for these models.
Keywords: electronic portfolio, information model, functional model
Annotation: Results of development of a hardware and software system of Furtag for the field game Laser tag are provi d-ed. The complex is distinguished from analogs by modular architecture, flexibility of programming of p a-rameters, the best ratio the price quality. Low energy consumption is provided with application of one crystal of ATMega8. The firmware is created in the environment of AWR Studio on the assembler. The project was executed within the competition UMNIK
Keywords: Lasertag, Furtag, ATMega8, modular circuit, CRC, Miles Tag, Assembler
System Analysis, Control and Information Processing
Annotation: The development of management systems in higher education and e-learning requires the rapid development and improvement of standards that regulate the interface of their interaction for the effective exchange of data on students, the trajectories of their education, the subject of teaching content and current academic performance
Keywords: manag ement system, ACS, 1C, AIS, portfolio, standardization, Infosuite, Infosyut
Annotation: The article presents the methodology and results of a comparative analysis of the popularity of Russian and foreign IT companies in the field of Internet business.
Keywords: online store, product popularity, social net works, e-mail
Annotation: Features of the introduction of software products in the information systems of medical organizations are considered on the example of the introduction of the program module of personalized accounting for the provision of medical assistance in State Clinical Hospital No. 5.
Keywords: hospital automated information system, introduction, module of personalized accounting of medical care, compulsory medical insurance
System Programming
Annotation: A system has been developed to ensure the accumulation, storage, processing and provision of access to research resources. The basic provisions are the standardization of the components of the research space, the development of regulatory and technical support, consistent with international standards in the fie ld of information and communication technologies. The concept of research space is introduced, its functions and structure are described. The model of an open virtual laboratory complex, the rules for its development and operation based on unification and standardization are proposed.
Keywords: standard, virtual laboratory complex, remote experiment, open information space
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