Issue 3 (2021)
System Programming
Annotation: There are several standards that describe the architecture of the Industrial Internet of Things, but in general, any IIoT architecture includes a d evice layer that provides the functionality of IIoT devices and gateways. This article explores the possibility of using virtual machines to solve some of problems of implementing the device layer of an IIoT network. The main tasks are to research the prob lems of integrating virtual machines into IIoT lifecycle and describe possible solutions.
Keywords: virtual machine, language-oriented programming, domain specific language, industrial internet of things, architecture of industrial internet of things
Annotation: This article describes the advantages and the need to create a software package that allows you to automatically calculate, update and send internal bank reports. The data is calculated in the database using procedures written in the SQL programming language, which are run automatically according to t he specified schedule. Reports are updated and sent using a program written in the Python programming language.
Keywords: software package, SQL, Python, automation, bank reporting
Annotation: The article examines the influence of the curvature of the Earth on the installation of special devices that require a horizontal arrangement. Such devices include linear accelerators of charged particles. It is shown that the construction of structures in the conditions of the Earth or any other planet is associated with the application of the Riemann geometry. At the same time, the design is carried out using Euclid's geometry. The article examines the magni tude of the corrections that must be introduced for the curvature of the Earth if it is necessary to perform a strictly horizontal arrangement of the structure. The article shows that the use of ordinary levels and leveling does not create a horizontal pla ne, but simulates a level curved surface.
Keywords: modeling, Euclidean geometry, Riemann geometry, level surface, curvature of the Earth's surface, curvature corrections, real space, linear accelerator of charged particles
System Analysis, Control and Information Processing
Annotation: The article explores the principles and relationships of qualitative analysis. Two directions of qualitative analysis are highlighted. The first direction can be called empirical or social, the second direction can be called formal. The analysis of social qualitative analysis is given. Methods of formalizing qua litative reasoning are described. The article reveals the content of qualitative relations: proportionality, complementarity, connectedness, opposition and dichotomy. The axioms of qualitative analysis are described.
Keywords: analysis, qualitative analysis, qualitative relationships, qualitative scales, qualitative variables, qualitative reasoning
Annotation: The article discusses some methods of analyzing the electroencephalographic signal (EEG signal) in order to identify the characteristic features in it for their subsequent classification. The possibility of classifying movement EEG data by two subjects of different groups of facial muscles is investigated. To receive electroencephalograms and transmit them for processing, Emotiv EPOC+ equipment with a wireless interface for connecting to a computer and the possibility of 14-channel recording was used. The d ata analysis was based on the results of 150 sessions of 16 seconds each, in which 5 different reactions were considered. The paper considers and compares various methods of extracting features from an EEG signal, namely: the coefficients of the Fourier sp ectral decomposition, the values of the Alter-Johnson function, SAX-BOP features, linear correlations, and classical statistics. Testing is carried out in the framework of two neural network models: convolutional and fully connected networks. In addition, methods based on direct analysis of statistical information are also considered. According to the results of the study, estimates of the accuracy of detecting the tested reactions with various methods of extracting features were obtained. The best results were found for methods based on the spectral Fourier decomposition on a fully connected network-about 95% and 90% on the training and test samples, and using the values of the Alter-Johnson function on the convolutional network-about 99% and 86%.
Keywords: electroencephalogram, machine learning, neural network, data analysis, recognition, time series, brain-computer interface
Annotation: This article describes the problem of image classification and a brief description of the principle of operation of convolutional neural networks is given. A review of the basic and modern architectures of convolutional neural networks is carried out, and a comparison of their accuracy and resource consumption based on ImageNet images is made.
Keywords: convolutional neural networks, image classification, CNN architecture
Annotation: A method for creating a human recognition system based on biometric voice data has been developed. Analysis of a person's voice by constructing a chalk-spectrogram, as the basis for building a neural network that classifies recordings of people's voices. T he system is assessed using the VoxForge open source dataset containing marked fragments of human speech.
Keywords: biometric authentication systems, spectrogram, mel-spectrogram, The VoxForge dataset, neural network, classifier
Methods and Means of Control in Organizational Systems
Annotation: This article describes an algorithm for constructing software for numerical three-dimensional integration over complex-shaped bodies. Three ways of describing a complex-shaped body are c onsidered: in polar, spherical, and Cartesian coordinate systems. The nuances and complexities of each algorithm are analyzed in detail. We consider finding the value of the multidimensional integral over the surface after dividing the body into simplices. The Ostrogradsky-Gauss formula.
Keywords: numerical integration, complex shape bodies, simplex, triangulation, coordinate system, software
Computing Systems and Elements
Annotation: The article examines models of a parametric information situation and a spatial information situation. These models are used in computer science and geoinformatics. Shows the similarities and differences between these models. It is shown that the model of the spatial information situation is systemic if it is built as a geoinformation model based on geodata. The capabilities of both models are shown in solving control and forecasting problems .
Keywords: informatics, geoinformatics, spatial information, models, modeling, information situation, spatial information situation
Annotation: The concept of "Internet of Things" is considered, the tasks of the service are defined, the architecture of the service is designed, and each component of the service is described. The analysis of the hardware part of the service is given, based on the analysis, the hardware part of the servic e is selected.
Keywords: internet of things, mobile app, cloud platform, database
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