Issue 3 (2024)
System Analysis, Control and Information Processing
Annotation: The paper analyzes the existing conditions, opportunities, areas and directions of system engineering applications as an interdisciplinary approach that manages the full technical and organizational efforts required to transform a number of stakeholder needs, expectations and constraints into a solution and to support this solution during its lifetime. In this case, a system is understood as a combination of interacting elements, ordered to achieve one or more set goals. 10 trends in the development of system engineering for the future 10-12 years have been identified. Taking into account the identified trends, the role and place of system engineering in solving urgent practical problems in the context of the «National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation» are determined.
Keywords: model, monitoring, risk, system, system engineering, technology
Page numbers: 4-20.
Annotation: Relevance of the development of the national standard "Information technologies. Unmanned Aviation Systems. Interoperability" is determined by the presence of a variety of incompatible technical solutions of different manufacturers and follows from the Strategy for the development of unmanned aviation of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 and in the perspective up to 2035. Effective development of communication systems for manned and unmanned aviation is hampered primarily due to the lack of unified protocols for information-logical interaction and represents a complex scientific, technical, organizational and methodological problem. The approach to the development of the national standard "Information Technologies. Unmanned Aviation Systems. Interoperability" is described. The methodology of ensuring interoperability of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) including a number of stages in accordance with GOST R 55062 is considered. The stages of interoperability concept development, architecture, problem-oriented model, planning of national standards development, analysis and selection of existing standards, formation, realization and attestation testing of interoperability profile are described for UAS. A review of standards relevant to the field of UAS interoperability was performed, including a number of ISO/IEC and STANAG standards. The article was prepared on the basis of materials and a report presented at the XIII international scientific conference "IT-Standard 2024".
Keywords: unmanned aircraft system, unmanned aerial vehicle, interoperability, standards, model, interoperability profile, network-centric information and control systems, communication links, protocols
Page numbers: 21-30.
Annotation: The paper outlines the expectations of stakeholders from predicting risks in the life cycle of various systems. The analysis of mathematical and technological limitations and assumptions that determine the applicability of the proposed models and methods is carried out. The applied possibilities in extracting hidden knowledge using probabilistic modeling are revealed. The implementation of the identified application capabilities is demonstrated by examples. A variant of the technical appearance of the technology for solving system engineering problems based on the intelligent infrastructure of globally distributed risk prediction is proposed.
Keywords: method, model, probability, risk, system, technology
Page numbers: 31-51.
Annotation: The problem of setting parameters of typical controllers for stabilizing the speed and course of an autonomous mobile robot is considered. To solve the problem, the technology of multi-criteria parameter selection is used, based on random probing of the multidimensional space of optimized parameters with subsequent construction of an approximate boundary of Pareto points. The parameters "degree of stability" and "oscillation" are selected as criteria for optimization. Tests of settings are carried out using a simulation model developed in the "universal mechanism" environment.
Keywords: typical controller, mobile robot, multicriteria choice, Pareto points, degree of stability, oscillation
Page numbers: 52-63.
Annotation: Due to the structural changes in the educational system of the Russian Federation from the impact of the introduction of foreign standards in the period from 2007 to 2023, the purpose of this work is to carry out a study of changes in the number of graduates in bachelor's, master's and specialty programs during the observation period for further forecasting its changes until 2027. The research methods used in this work are to analyze the change in the number of graduates in bachelor's, master's and specialty programs during the observation period from 2007 to 2023 and to perform modeling based on interval forecasting of this change until 2027. As a result of the work carried out, the dependencies described by the polynomial of the third degree were revealed, changes in the number of graduates over the observed period for three programs caused by the introduction of the Bologna system and the use of a competence-based approach to assess the level of mastering curricula in the education system of the Russian Federation. Among other things, the reasons associated with these innovations have been identified and described, which have an impact on an increase in the number of graduates in some programs and a decrease in others. A trend model was also built and the forecast was verified. The analysis of the changes caused by the introduction of foreign standards, the number of graduates in bachelor's, master's and specialty programs for the observed period from 2007 to 2023, which allowed us to fulfill the forecast of this change until 2027. Starting in 2022, it is predicted with a probability of 90% an increase in the number of specialists by ≈560%, a decrease in the number of bachelors and masters by ≈56% and ≈93%, respectively, by 2027.
Keywords: interval forecasting, Bologna system, competence approach, trend model, forecast error
Page numbers: 79-86.
Annotation: The paper considers the aspects and parameters that make up the content of the technical level of interoperability, analyzes studies related to the issues of information systems technical interoperability in terms of defining and substantiating the systems readiness parameters to interact with each other. The analysis revealed insufficient development of the scientific and methodological apparatus when assessing the systems readiness level for interaction with each other at the current stage of research. The paper shows that the systems readiness level for interaction depends on a set of objects and systems readiness parameters to interact with each other. It was revealed that such parameters include both internal parameters characterizing the objects and subsystems readiness levels within a specific system, and external parameters determining the readiness of two (or more) systems to interact. For each of the parameters under consideration, levels of this readiness are introduced and described - from level 0 ("unprepared") to level 4 ("adaptive"). The paper proposes a methodology for assessing the systems readiness level to interact with each other, taking into account the internal and external objects and systems readiness parameters to interact. The systems readiness level for interaction with each other was assessed using the example of two information systems - the Bonch.RID system (developed by The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications) and the service of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIPS) "Filing an application for an invention, utility model, trademark". A conclusion was made about the readiness of these information systems for interaction. Directions for further research are proposed for the purpose of applying the obtained and developing new elements of the scientific and methodological apparatus that ensure an increase in the quality of interoperability at the technical level during the interaction of various subsystems of information systems and their components at the semantic and organizational levels. It seems relevant to use the elements of the proposed methodology when assessing the technical interoperability level by other parameters, including the parameters of compatibility of network protocols, interfaces and quality of service requirements.
Keywords: interoperability, technical interoperability, information system, readiness for interaction, system maturity level
Page numbers: 97-109.
Computing Systems and Elements
Annotation: In modern projects to create digital computer devices, programmable logic integrated circuits are widely used. To solve problems based on them, a necessary condition is the use of programmers. Different integrated circuit manufacturers usually use their own designs, which are often difficult to access. The paper presents a methodology for creating a universal programmer that meets the requirements of several manufacturers simultaneously. A special feature of the solution is the use of a JTAG interface as part of the programmer, which allows it to be used for debugging and testing the main blocks of the device being developed. The capabilities of the JTAG boundary scan technology for this class of devices have been studied. A version of the universal programmer model has been developed for use with FPGAs from various manufacturers. The results are confirmed by experimental studies carried out on real equipment. The practical stages of the project are shown, the quantitative values of the parameters are determined. Recommendations have been developed along the entire route of designing a digital device in a computer-aided design system to enable the complete development and production of a functional product in production. A method for conducting an experiment using a prototype of a universal programmer is proposed. The results of experimental studies confirmed the correctness of the chosen solution.
Keywords: universal programmer, JTAG interface, programmable logic integrated circuits, debugging, testing, design
Page numbers: 63-78.
System Programming
Annotation: The article addresses the design and utilization of the developed library, llvm2py, which is intended for the rap-id construction of static program analyzers written in Python for LLVM intermediate representation. The ne-cessity of the presented library is demonstrated, as are the specific architectural solutions chosen. The LLVM2Py library has been used to develop a tool for the static analysis of parallelizability of basic blocks. The tool enables the calculation of the acceleration coefficient for a specific basic block through the use of an ab-stract parallel LLVM processor. Moreover, it allows for the calculation of the minimum number of parallel functional units of the processor that provide the maximum value of the acceleration coefficient. The efficacy of the developed tool is evaluated through experimentation with ten exemplar algorithms, each implemented in the C language. The following algorithms were used for the purposes of testing: Blowfish, ZIP, JPEG, AES, Base64, ChaCha20, SHA1, CSV, SHA256, and MD5.
The parallelization statistics are presented for the most accelerated basic block of each program due to instruc-tion-level parallelism. To illustrate, the JPEG algorithm achieved a 5.4-fold acceleration of the basic block exe-cution with the minimum utilization of the number of functional units, which was equal to 6 units.
The developed tool, when used in conjunction with information from the profiler regarding the frequency of execution of linear sections, can assist in making informed decisions regarding the porting of code for execution to a specialized architecture with instruction-level parallelism. The functionality of the llvm2py library is planned to be further extended for code compilation tasks, including the creation of domain-specific compilers for specialized processors.
Keywords: LLVM, LLVM IR, Python, llvm2py, static analysis, parallelization, level-parallel form, instruction level parallelism, basic block, dependence graph
Page numbers: 87-96.
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