Issue 4 (2017)
Computing Systems and Elements
Annotation: The purpose of this article, on the one hand, is to show the pot ential of new information technologies and trends in the development of the CIS in the construction of a managed ecosystem-the noosphere, and on the other hand to show that to enter this stage of the information society development it is necessary to wid ely introduce and develop a theory of optimal control that can clearly indicate the limitations in the endless desire to rationalize all aspects of our lives.
Keywords: a single global convergent environment, noosphere, human-machine systems, computer systems, artificial intelligence systems, Internet of things systems
Annotation: The experience of development of architecture of integrated systems for monitoring and ensuring complex safety of enterprises and regions. Offers organizational and technical solutions for application integration geographic information systems management strategic and socially significant objects of the state and society. Discusses the issues of interoperability and de velopment of national standards for the implementation of projects of digital economy.
Keywords: an open information system architecture, interoperability, interfaces, Hyde Park, technology platform, security, integration, standardization
System Programming
Annotation: The priority problems of complex safety of critically important objects and systems are formulated. The ways of the solving these problems in the form of actual legislative, standard&legal, scientific&methodical, organizational, developmental, operating and qualifying-personnel problems of system engineering are proposed.
Keywords: analysis, model, qu ality, process, risk, safety, system
Annotation: The approach to predict residual time before the nearest loss of integrity of system element, represented as "a black box», on the basis of revealing laws in their operation for the conditions of uncertainty is proposed .
Keywords: analysis, model, process, probability, risk, safety, system, system element
Methods and Means of Control in Organizational Systems
Annotation: Artificial intelligence technologies will provide an automated solution to complex problems that previously could be successfully solved only by a human : pattern recognition, decision-making under unforeseen conditions, the extraction of knowledge, and som e others. However, a full replacement of a person with an automated system is permissible only if there is a mechanism for confirming the quality of system's functionality to the capabilities of a qualified operator when solving a specific problem.
Keywords: data analysis technology, intellectual technologies, competitive quality assessment
Annotation: The technical regulatory and legal regulation of the processes of creation and operation of interoperable commodity flow monitoring systems is considered.
Keywords: interoperability, co mmodity flow monitoring system
Annotation: It is shown that the basis for the creation of the digital economy and the coun try's defense capability is to ensure interoperability. Ensuring interoperability is a complex scientific and technical and organizational and methodological problem, which is still unsolved throughout the world. The approach proposed by the authors and su bsequently fixed in GOST R 55062-2012 is described to ensure interoperability. It is proposed to use the capabilities of the specially created subcommittee SC 206 "Interoperability", which is part of the Rosstandart technical committee of TC22 "Information technolog ies".
Keywords: interoperability, ICT standards, profile
Annotation: The article provides an overview of the problems associated with the effectiveness of modern education and how modern technologies are integrated into educational processes. The analysis of the effectiveness of free educational initiatives implemented on t he basis of universities is presented in terms of business development. Examples of development of similar initiatives are considered on the example of and Yandex companies. The results of the "Mobile Development School" project are presented, as a n example of cooperation between the South Ural State University and Napoleonit. The main goal of this project is the additional education of students and the creation of qualified personnel for the company, which will be maximally prepared to work in real conditions, taking into account daily changes in information. The conclusions of the study suggest possible ways of developing additional educational initiatives for companies related to the oil and gas industry.
Keywords: additional education, business development, personnel reserve, professional development
System Analysis, Control and Information Processing
Annotation: The article considers the influence of the processes of the digital industry developing in the Russian Federation 4.0. on organization of horizontal interaction of participants of innovative activity on creation, manufacture and delivery of complex technical products. The example of the Republic of Tatarstan deals with the organization of industrial cooper ation based on the development of cooperation in the context of the transition of the Russian economy to the tools of the digital industry. Based on the analysis of economic development data for the Republic of Tatarstan, the expediency of organizing such cooperation in the region in the context of Russia's transition to a digital economy is justified. The analysis of the activity of the National Subcontracting Portal ( created in the Republic of Tatarstan, which involves automating the processe s of attracting orders for the development and manufacture of complex technical products with high science intensity indicators is given.
Keywords: digitalization of production, life cycle contract, product innovations, process innovations, cluster structu re, Innovation and production center "InnoKam", National portal of subcontracting (
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