
Issue 4 (2024)

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Annotation: One of the urgent tasks at present is the task of forming an effective management system in the field of science, technology, as well as production, in order to ensure a unified scientific and technological space focused on solving government tasks and meeting the needs of the economy and society. The knowledge processing center is precisely the effective system that is able to provide a unified information and scientific and technological space. The Knowledge Processing center provides an opportunity to collect, create and store data in a single information resource, as well as use them effectively to solve tasks. In the process of functioning, a knowledge processing center may be exposed to diverse threats affecting its performance. One of the main processes in the operation of the knowledge processing center is the decision-making process. Since the achievement of the necessary results depends on the decisions taken. Currently, in the face of real and potential threats, decision-making in the knowledge processing center is of priority importance. This article analyzes possible threats that arise when making decisions in the life cycle of a knowledge processing center and suggests measures to counter these threats. Organizational support processes such as the knowledge management process and the quality management process and technical processes such as the functioning process and the maintenance process were selected for the analysis. For each of the selected life cycle processes of the knowledge processing center, the composition of the decisions is determined. After determining the composition of the decisions taken, a list of potential threats is formed for each decision taken and recommendations are given to minimize the risk of disrupting the functioning of the knowledge processing center. The data obtained will further make it possible to justify decisions to reduce and keep risks within acceptable limits for possible threat scenarios that arise in the decision-making process during the operation of the knowledge processing center.
Page numbers: 9-23.
For citation: Avdonin R.Yu. Analysis of possible threats in when functioning of the knowledge processing center // Electronic Scientific Journal IT-Standard. – 2024. – No. 4. – pp. 9-23.